Sunday 10 February 2008

A New Project.

As many of you will know, I love books. Sometimes that love is healthy and sometimes it is not. There, I can be honest, even when it means, at times, being negative about reading. Now, my reading tends to be mainly, if not only, of Christian material. The reason is not desiring to cut myself off from everything else but simply that, for me, reading takes alot of effort and I, generally, don't want to make that effort unless there is benefit in it and I gain most benefit from Christian material that sends you to the Bible and focuses you on Jesus. I know the arguments etc against such a focus so please don't feel the need to state them here. The negative times, therefore, are when I simply read for reading sake and for knowledge to fill my head and not to change my heart or life.

To the point...! With the acknowledgement that reading, especially alot, is not always beneficial, I think people would find it very difficult to give reasons why reading should be outlawed or banned. Having our minds stretched, and hearts stirred, by reading is much better than having our mind and senses numbed by excessive participation in time wasting pursuits. I think, as Christians (for those who are), our reading undoubtedly, and primarily, should be of the Scriptures. To the inspired and infallible Word there can be found no book of comparison. That being said, to supplement our reading of the Word with good books to aid, or challenge, us in our understanding of the Scriptures is a worthwhile task and pursuit.

So, for my benefit, and your information (I hope), I am embarking on a new project. Who knows how often it will happen, but, at times, it will happen. The project is to use this blog, as the title suggests, for reviews and recommendations. To use this as a platorm to formulate my thougts, on a particular book, in a coherent form, and for that to benefit, or encourage, you in some way in the pursuit of God-glorifying knowledge through reading.

Check back soon.

1 comment:

Boaly said...

Lookin forward to this bro